Is fruit bread good for you? - dried fruit bread
This is a bread with lots of nuts
dont think sugar has been added
But it was successful because 80%
should be a piece of this and a glass of milk for breakfast
or cereal with only a few pieces of dried apricots
Balance is the key.
With 80% of the fruit that has no sugar - lots of sugar in the fruit! :)
Not bad for you - if you instead of cake.
It is bad for you if you have, instead of the normal wheat bread.
For breakfast, you must either slow CARBC (ordinary bread) and fast carbohydrates (sugars). Carbohydrates are the body make her hours of fuel in the muscles - fast sugar, it can start! The more physical in the morning, it needs more sugar.
Fresh fruit is the best way to get fast carbs, because you have fiber and vitamins.
They differ between the two.
Malt Loaf is not as healthy as whole grain products .... but it is very healthy.
A mix of the girl, why should two, why not some muslei without sugar, of course.
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