Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Daniel Radcliffe Condition Why Was Daniel Radcliffe's Condition (Dyspraxia Diagnosis) Not Recognised Until Recently?

Why was Daniel Radcliffe's condition (Dyspraxia Diagnosis) not recognised until recently? - daniel radcliffe condition

I mean, he has clumsyness incident. it wouldnt be easy to identify?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, not really, some people are unfortunately clumsy that other factors such as hormones can be caused, for example. During) adolescence, hormones (men and women, it is clumsy and reduce the balance. In addition, the anesthetic can be caused by not flexible!
Dyspraxic be me, my mother took 11 years to recognize that he has dyspraxia and development milestones such as walking was difficult and took more than my sister, but other factors such as language and reading and writing also helped to know my mother; that sustained "clumsy child syndrome.
However, it is to say really so easy to tell if someone is a learning / development / social impairment.
I hope this also helps:


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